It was her there laying
Or no, it was me
Opened my eyes so wide..
"Like a rat on a trap"
I wasn't sure where I was
But pretty sure I was on bed
Rotating my eyes back and forth
Up and sides feel like in a hollow
The light was dim
But I could see...
I saw first the window,
The dawn from the east
Then the ceiling
I definitely saw Billy's eyes
His brighten eyes with a smile
Now my brain came to mind
It was early morning
Morning in a weekday
Monday, damn "Am I late?"
Oo my!!! I am late it's 6am
It is a freaken Monday morning,
Why am I still on bed?
I forget my jogging
What about my commitments
Ohh I also have school later
Wait!! It is Monday of 08/08
I realized my fear and breath
Yes!! Relax Lulu
It is just another day
Another day and you are fine
Fine to sleep even whole day in
Maybe, maybe u can make triangle
The well known, home movement
Calm down
Get back to sleep
Because is another day
Another day to do nothing
Nothing at all than chilling
Maybe breathing so that you don't die
Upps!! That was so dramatic
It is a voluntary body action!
I wish breathing was another job
Yes!! Then you are doing Nothing
Maybe not at all nothing cos you're sleeping
Sleeping your day off!
Eating your own life away...
Just watch it die doing Nothing
By Prof. Lulu Mero~

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