There are many questions which rise while thinking of being skinny. Some of those question which can rise, is when was the last time a woman looked herself in the mirror? Did she accept her self or she thought she is chubby and she needs to lose weight?
Scientific studies indicate that this dissatisfaction and preoccupation with one's body size and shape has increased dramatically over the past several decades. "People today are far more critical of themselves for not attaining the right weight and look ... appearance, good looks, and fitness are now the meaning of one's social worth," says psychologist Judith Rodin in her book Breaking the Body Trap. In addition, a Psychology Today survey found that not liking one's body depends largely on weight. Fifty-four percent of young women ages 13 to 19 and 41 percent of young men in the same age group say they do not like their bodies because of what hey weigh.
Nearly two thirds of Americans are overweight and nearly one in six worldwide carries excess weight, our weight-obsessed western culture has very little tolerance for plus size people. Regardless of their education, credentials, or personality, overweight men and women are treated with less respect, date less frequently, and are often paid less than their smaller-sized counterparts – and it can all take a big toll on their self-confidence. (http://www.fashionforrealwomen.com/plussize/: Diana Pemberton.)
Should people mind their body size in order to fit on their out fit? This is the question which many people get confused but the result comes depend on the society and the way it interpret things. One of the good examples is a girl who went to school, and since she was plump. She experienced hard times and so she hard to try her best to lose weight and become skinny like other girls. Jill Persia said, ‘’ I was convinced that if only I were skinner, magical things would happen my brother would stop calling me ‘’cow’’, and I would get a boyfriend.’’
People try to loose weight because societies force them into not accepting themselves. It's getting harder and harder to find clothes that recognize the fact that one has a waistline. And I do think most women do, as much as our weight-obsessed culture might suggest otherwise. When one got Ethics Girl's problem she has a hard time gaining weight but an easy time losing it. What's strange is the resentment she often comes across from other women and girls. I don't think one has led a charmed life simply because she is a size 0. Dressing is one of the important in people’s life. Nearly everybody in the world care what kind of clothes they put on and how they present themselves in the public.
Being in a society which makes being slim is the way women should look has lead to wrong impression to women who are healthy or chubby. Different kind of actions are being taken by people to be in shape, much more women take even plastic surgery in order to maintain their body shape, like breast surgery was taken by Beyonce so that she could revel her body features while performing on stage.
Women also tend to loose their slim body features after give birth and having kids. Some women who are mothers do not recover back and end up with big belly and chubby even after delivery
Does anyone ever think about how the overload of these images in the media affects the average woman? Well, for most women it doesn't exactly have a positive effect. In fact, the idea of the media's (and consequently, everybody else's) "ideal" woman often makes "normal" woman self-conscious -- even if they have nothing to be self-conscious about. (http://www.hilary.com/fashion/bikini.htmlHilary fashion by Hilary Rowland)
Part of the beauty of humanity is the variance: the fact that we are not all one size, one color, one height, one weight, one shape, one ethnicity, one religion, one set of abilities, one opinion, one set of tastes, one style, one outlook. To really see our value as people, we have to value other people, whether or not they are the same as we are in any of these categories. It is our diversity that makes us amazing. (Brilliant mind broken body; by Danlos Syndrome).
Tips about losing weight is everywhere around the net and make women go crazy in America. Every single day the advertisements talks about slim fast, losing weight, and even many shows try to impress people losing weight as party of being accepted in the society. Gyms are everywhere country wide and people are willing to pay for gym or buying their own working =out machine at home. It doesn’t mean that people should not be healthy but the idea it self of making people losing weight is not right because their people who look good when they are little bit chubby and not good when they are skinny.
Women spent more than their time talking and discussing about their body features in the salon at the mall since even the percentage of time spent by America shopping is more that 50%. Looking good is one of the common behavior to any ideal woman who want to look strong and beautiful. Cathy Lu once said, ‘’ you are at the mall when you spot the perfect dress in a store window. But does it look good on you? You don’t even have to shimmy out of what you are wearing. A full size of the dress flashes on an especial mirror.
Living healthy is a decision which one can make, time after time. It might be hard at the beginning but it gets simple day after day if one keeps on making better decisions. Good nutrition is important for everyone-especially active women. The time has come for women to stop judging and begin appreciating their bodies in order to rise a new generation of women who can focus on becoming healthy rather than losing weight at any cost.
So it stands to reason that if you move beyond your weight, so will everyone else. If you wear clothes that flatter your body and draw attention your face, that’s where people will look. If you use some sleight-of-hand tricks that make you look taller and trimmer, people will think you are taller and trimmer. If your apparel fits well and is perfectly acceptable for the situation, people will find you perfectly acceptable, and get right down to business. A small size is no guarantee of success and happiness in life; good skills, self-confidence, and a polished appearance can often take you much further.
Everywhere when one looks in the media the women that symbolize beauty are small. Does being beautiful in America mean one have to wear a size 0? In the 1950’s beauty was about being healthy and looking healthy. Marilyn Monroe was between a size 12 and 14 ( www.womanisme.com: by Bridgette Jean) Today the media is teaching young girls that one looks best at a size 0 and that starving oneself to become thin is ok. It has been made within society that if you are anything over a size 6 you are fat. Some time ago, Star magazine published a story about Beyonce being a size 12. The media went ballistic. People were saying everything from, “I couldn’t believe Beyonce was that big!” or “That is just an outright lie!” This is why there have been reports of young runway models that have died, because they starved themselves in order to look perfect for a fashion show. A question come when one think, why can’t Americans just be happy with their bodies that were given? The average American woman actually wears a size 12. Being healthy should always be a woman’s main goal in maintaining her weight. This means people should learn to love their bodies which were given and focus on weight loss as a goal to being healthy not skinny.
What a lot of the world does not seem to realize is that thin people get picked on just as much as people who are overweight get picked on. Thin people are being discriminated against more and more and the people doing it are thinking it is okay. Thin people get name such as being called anorexic thin. Some of the thin people tends to get annoyed of having comments made about them if they go to the bathroom after eating a meal. Many thin people are tired of being told to eat more after they just finished off a huge meal. The world is making such a huge effort to make over weight people feel more accepted and appreciated by society, that in doing so they're making the skinny people feel abnormal. (www.helium.com)
Being skinny is not easy, and sometimes it can be downright irritating. So next time one see a particularly thin person munching or eating on a hamburger, please refrain from asking them why they have that body type. Let's stop working on making just one type of person feel appreciated, and instead embrace all the sizes and shapes people come in.
By saying American women we are not only talking about Caucasian women but also all the other women of different cultures who are in this country. Unlike the old United States, the new one has people from almost all origins of the world. The unfortunate thing is that all these people including women when they come to this country; they are all under the pressure to fit in their new communities. Sadly enough this pressure is sometimes more for women than for men. Being that the country was first dominated by white people, with their women being built in slimmer structures, it was hard for the new African women with fuller shapes or the Latino women with heavy bodies and so on to adjust themselves to this new culture they were coming to.
Women from different ethnic backgrounds found themselves having to change how they looked to fit into clothes that were tailored to white women’s shapes and not for the fuller heavier Brazilian, African, Indian or Latino woman. These women being mother and teachers made sure to teach their girls to be slimmer from when they were young so that the do not go through what they went through when they were coming into the country; also because these parents do not want their children to be teased of being fat. Therefore without knowing it we have a nation of women who are already too skinny or trying to be skinny, and those who are not are busy hating themselves because they think they ugly. Apparently anything above a size 2 is being Fat.
Another major issue that makes American women to want to be skinny would be gender issues. We have long known how the male and female genders influence each other. Just like the way we know generic things like a man needs to be masculine, ready to go to war at any point or to lift things because that is what a man is, and they are supposed to be the stronger ones physically among the two genders. The same way we know that women are supposed to be the weaker ones, always needing help from men, and generally just smaller.
Therefore gender constructions in our country have made the man to want to be and look bigger and bigger and consequently the woman to want to be smaller and smaller in order for her to be more feminine. Forgetting the most important thing that people are what they are and not what they look.
By: Leiat Lovell
Modified by Lulu Mero
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