Born by a woman
Born in this world
Can it be any better
Before i write this letter
Wait.......take a break
Think.....think hard!!
Who are you?
Why are u here?
What is your purpose?
How come you different?
Where is your destination?
Are you done?
If you can't answer them
Then you are lost.....
Big time L.O.S.T
You are not alone
Many of us are lost
Lost in this mist
and if you have a purpose
You will be curious.....
Curiuos to unlock the truth
Curious to put the light in that darkness
Curious to break the bonds of being lost
Those are the reasons to Live
So, One last question, did you get the answer to all
If Y.E.S........gOOD, Because You are living...^_^
You are not just escortie of others in this planet earth , you are not lost in the mist of population, but you are purposeful created, because you are Unique.
By Dr. Prof. LM~

Reason to live part 2
You want to shout
Scream your lungs out...
The reason we both hold dear
The reason that we both share..
Reason to live!!!
Reason to live....???
There is no relief
Every time we breath
Trying solving the myth
Like a snow glare
The view so clear
You and me need to hear
Ooo my!!
It that reason ..
The reason to live!
The reason that leaves
Leaves us unsure
Leaves us exhausted
Leaves us stressed
Leaves us with hope
Sometime leave us died
Reason to live for something..
Hope for tomorrow?
Hope for a change?
But, by the end if the day
It is still our theme notion
Reason to live....
It is that reason to live
That keeps us strong,
keep us patient and focused,
Because it is the reason to live.
You want to shout Scream your lungs out... The reason we both hold dear The reason that we both share.. Reason to live!!!
bY Dr. Prof. LM~
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