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Sunday, December 26, 2010

On Christmas Eve~

Part 1
Stood up in a parking-lot
Mind and thoughts spin a lot
Looking up at the stars
Mars and Venus bright that night
Close together with craned necks towards sky

His arm brushing hers
She is shy looking at cars
He whispered looking at her
"It's beautiful." she said non-lure
 Yes! he would whispered

He would look up
She would look up
Their eyes would meet
Like Cinderella she would fled off into the night
She took a deep breath cos, she is not sure if she wants

He feels her racing heart beat
Like a drum beat on Nicki's hits
She been so hesitant, so scared and tense
He put a hand on her waist
But she wasn't going to get waisted

The snow came down falling
White cold fluffy makes her skin seems fair
Whirling fantastic in the misty air
It was on the third date he dared
To get that chocolate caramels skin-girl
Their lips met, their bodies with one accord
His arms wrapped around her, more than a rope

Mesmerized by his touch, she felt her hands fumbling
She had to live with the moment like a dream

Will she give it all??????? Find out Next scene.........

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