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Monday, April 11, 2011

World Second Richest Person

My dad sent me this: And i would love to share it with the world.

Rule No.1.  Study hard.  You can only be successful in your life if you are educated because, in future, all wealth will be controlled by  those who are smart and knowledgeable.

Rule No. 2. Be disciplined, respect everyone and don't forget to respect yourself before others by the way you dress, project yourself, the personality and the way you talk!  Without discipline you are a junk!

Rule No.3  Repeat Rule 1 and Rule 2

Love, Dad
Modest Mero
11 April 2011
New York

Some valuable advice...
"I always knew I was going to be rich.
I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute"
- Warren Buffett


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