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Friday, January 22, 2010



Plagiarism can be considered as copying or borrowing someone else original ideas without citing them. The origin of the word to plagiarize means: “transitive senses: to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own: use another's production without crediting the source intransitive senses: to commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source” in reference to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (
There are many kinds of plagiarism depending on how it is considered copying or borrowing one’s idea without citing or get permission from the person concerned. It is well thought-out cheating when one plagiarizes another person work without citing or referring where the information is found from. A good writer will never copy without understanding what it means or crediting the sources. Even if a source is cited, plagiarism also occurs when text is directly copied without proper attribution. The source is under copyright and not under a free license, the copy may represent a copyright violation, but paraphrasing sufficiently to avoid copyright violation does not prevent plagiarism.
In other way some people refer plagiarism as is like budding. Budding means “to engraft or to insert a bud of one variety of tree or shrub under the bark of another stock”. Meaning, a part of one plant is just combined with a part of another plant producing a new one. But the one produced is just a combination of the two sources. Just like plagiarism, combining of different facts owned by others. Both may improve the original or the source but it is still an exact copy of the different sources joined together. (Title: why do people commit plagiarism by
Plagiarism is considered wrong due to many reasons behind one of them can be direct from it’s origin of the word says plagiaries which is Latin word "kidnapper, seducer, plunderer," used in the sense of ‘literary thief’ this is based one the definition from the Online Etymology Dictionary. If one also check the Australian Concise Oxford Dictionary the definition is to: “take and use the thoughts writings, inventions, etc of another person as one’s own” and/or to “pass off the thoughts etc of another person as one’s own” (p.864). Despite plagiarism definition; it is also considered wrong because it makes people lose their personal integrity. In many ways

As a student I consistitute of what is an example of a plagiarism since I didn’t cite my work based on MLA format. I know that now am wrong not to use that format although I did put all my reference at the end of the paper. To be honest my English teacher didn’t teach us well how to write using MLA format. It was so hard for me to write the same way is supposed to be written. Thus why I decided to write all what I could before the deadline without knowing how to put in MLA format.
Right now am so disappointed because I worked for my Senior Thesis and no one even care, I mean even my English Teacher just tells me that my plagiarism rate was high while he doesn’t even talk to me anything about it. I don’t real care if I won’t graduate because I believe that am a senior student who has all credits to graduate and I deserved to graduate without any obstacle.
When thinking what constitute plagiarism, one can think is only copy what others have done before, but in reality there are many actions which involve plagiarism. According to the University of Dar es Salaam and Other Useful Information for Students by my view of investigation all constitute of plagiarism are considered academic fraud. This includes the following actions: When one presentation of ideas from sources that you do not credit; use of direct quotations without quotation marks and without credit to the source; paraphrasing information and ideas from sources without credit to the source; failure to provide adequate citations for material obtained through electronic research; downloading and submitting work from electronic databases without citation; participation in a group project which presents plagiarized materials; taking credit as part of a group without participating as required in the work of the group; Submitting material created or written by someone else as one’s own, including purchased term/research papers.
In general Plagiarism can be taken as a serious matte to writers student or any body who use the paper which has high rate of plagiarism without citation or referring where the information ids from. For students in college plagiarism can lead a student to be kicked out of school since is illegal and is one of the contract which a college student need to know. Another actions taken for plagiarized people is punishment like the one I got, of having another research paper to write on top of My senior paper and thesis; whereby not only it make me feel guilt and punished but also makes my opportunity to graduate in a risk.
There is always misperception of plagiarism. Most of the teachers and professors in college believe that student know all about plagiarism and that always student try to cheat. There are some areas of plagiarism which must be considered. I will give a good example of my senior thesis which I didn’t know what is MLA format and how to put that paper in such a way; so I ended up listing all my citation, or reference or biography at the end of my research or thesis. From this point of view is clearly that plagiarism is not always intentional by students.
By thinking about the reason behind student cheating is real a great question, which can be answered differently from one student to another. Some students need to plagiarize in order to finish their paper on time, others need to plagiarize since they have no idea of what to write from the topic, or don’t want to stress their mind talking about the topic. It can also be the immense presser they get from the parents, peers, social etc. Having less emphasizes on learning than grades and performances can also spoil students.
Plagiarism can be controlled and eliminated among student if they learn since when they are young that is not good. Having student-led initiative will make student tell each other that is not cool to cheat and that will make students to respond more positively to their peers; if chat is not good then most student won’t do it.
Being a model to other students is one key role as a leader since plagiarizing does not show who the person really is. One will not be showing his or her point of view while writing since the words or ideas are plagiarized. When one commits plagiarism does not only hurt the individual for getting punished but it also affect the community in whole; those people who formally give out their ideas and written something have to be recognized by citing and appreciate their work, and thus why is illegal to plagiarize.

So far by plagiarizing it makes one deny the opportunity to learn and practice skills that may be needed in future careers. By cheating on papers makes people wonder whether the writer had all this ideas and hence it makes one leaving future employers and faculty to question integrity and performance in general. Plagiarizing makes one to commits fraud on faculty who are evaluating work. It also deprives another author recognition due credit for his or her work when one shows disrespect for peers who have done their own work.

‘‘Numerous studies show that plagiarism and other types of academic fraud are increasing among undergraduate students.’’( For example in article published by the Center for Academic Integrity (CAI), Professor Don McCabe claims that "On most campuses, 70% of students admit to some cheating while "Internet plagiarism is a growing concern" because although only "10% of students admitted to engaging in such behavior in 1999, almost 40%" admitted to it in 2005" (CAI 2005).
The practice of plagiarism is a form of academic high treason because it undermines the entire scholarly enterprise. When one wonders about plagiarism some questions can pop out of their mind such as how else do professors decide between a good and a bad student? Some question concerning election and appointment of people like to evaluate a candidate for an academic position, or grant of promotion to a fellow faculty member, if not on the basis of the belief that their written work is actually their own work? Therefore, plagiarism must be prevented at all levels of academic life from student papers to academic books. Nevertheless, care must be taken whenever one suspects a writer of plagiarism. It cannot be stressed enough that everyone makes a few mistakes and that genuine cases of similar use may occur.

Plagiarism can appear in many different contexts but in the academic and college setting is most commonly associated with writing and the borrowing of ideas without lending credit or citing the source from whence the material came. “The action or practice of plagiarizing is considered to be the wrongful appropriation or stealing, and publication as one’s own, of the ideas, which can include either literary, artistic, musical, mechanical etc ” (OED 1989). In other words, plagiarism is very much like theft in that something is taken or borrowed from an author or creator without credit. Being given examples of plagiarism can vary but one common instance involves the borrowing of ideas in exactly the same way they have been written by another person before For instance, if one were as was done above to give the word for word definition of plagiarism from it reason because without the indicators that it a quote borrowed form another source it would appear that it was being used for the first time.

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